Healthcare at Ladakh’s Doorstep

NaropaCare is a public health intervention program designed to bridge critical healthcare gaps in Ladakh’s most underserved communities.

Through community outreach, the project aims to reach 10,000+ people in the Himalayas.

Druk Padma Karpo School (DPKS)
Igniting Young Minds

The award-winning Druk Padma Karpo School (DPKS) in Ladakh, India provides competitive modern education steeped in local language and culture.

The school’s revolutionary architectural model is an integration of green designs and indigenous materials.

LLearn more.

Yak Tank
Accelerators of Himalayan Entrepreneurship

Yak Tank is a recent initiative to bolster economic growth in the Himalayas.

It provides entrepreneurs in the region will earn the opportunity to pitch their startups and network with international investors.

Learn more.

Medical Camps

Caring for the most remote communities of the Himalayas with medical camps and eye camps. Live to Love organizes medical camps in remote villages for detection and treatment otherwise inaccessible regions.

COVID-19 Relief

Live to Love and its local partners provide essential support to marginalized Himalayan communities including indigenous groups and women who have been affected by the pandemic.

Live to Rescue

Live to Rescue provides a loving home with food and warmth for dogs, cats, donkeys, llamas, cows and many more. Learn more.

Disaster Relief

Live to Love provides relief in the aftermath of natural disasters by supporting the most vulnerable population of the Himalayas.

Hemis Museum

The renowned Hemis Museum in Ladakh is home to the largest collection of ethically sourced Himalayan artifacts, relics, and religious artwork representing a millennia of culture along the ancient Silk Road.

Chemdrey Museum

Chemdrey Museum is part of an historic fortress-monastery in Ladakh that once served as a safehouse for villagers evading attack. Today, it is a storehouse of some of the rarest relics and artwork in the Himalayas.